Arthur Christmas is a new 3-D computer animated fantasy comedy movie. The film was released on 11th November, 2011 in the UK and on 23rd November, 2011 in the USA. The film revolves around Santa Claus, his wife and his two sons.
Arthur Christmas movie is set on Christmas Night. It covers the story of Santa Claus’s two sons - Arthur and Steve.
Hugo is also a 3-D adventure drama movie based on Brian Selznick's novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret. The film is directed by Martin Scorsese. The film was released on 23rd November, 2011 in the US.
Hugo is a fantasy adventure film base on Hugo Cabret. It is the story of a young guy. Hugo movie incorporates a history of the early cinema too.
The Muppets is a musical comedy movie and the first Muppets theatrical release in 12 years. The film was released on 23rd November, 2011 in North America.
The Muppets has received very positive reviews. It is the highest rated film in the series of Muppets. The film talks about Walter who is the Muppet brother of Gary. He became the biggest fan of Muppets watching a show based on the Muppets.
The Muppets talks about three fans – Gary, Mary and Walter. It is a great choice of teenager as well as older too.
Arthur Christmas introduces lots of unique characters that touch our life in a very new sense. It brings a brighter hope to you and your family.
Hugo is the most exciting movie based on the visual beauty. It brings a kind of magic through its story and cinematography.
The Muppets is directed by James Bobin and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Arthur Christmas movie is directed by Sarah Smith and distributed by Columbia Pictures. These movie create a remarkable opening worldwide for the all-age audiences.
Arthur Christmas movie is set on Christmas Night. It covers the story of Santa Claus’s two sons - Arthur and Steve.
Hugo is also a 3-D adventure drama movie based on Brian Selznick's novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret. The film is directed by Martin Scorsese. The film was released on 23rd November, 2011 in the US.
Hugo is a fantasy adventure film base on Hugo Cabret. It is the story of a young guy. Hugo movie incorporates a history of the early cinema too.
The Muppets is a musical comedy movie and the first Muppets theatrical release in 12 years. The film was released on 23rd November, 2011 in North America.
The Muppets has received very positive reviews. It is the highest rated film in the series of Muppets. The film talks about Walter who is the Muppet brother of Gary. He became the biggest fan of Muppets watching a show based on the Muppets.
The Muppets talks about three fans – Gary, Mary and Walter. It is a great choice of teenager as well as older too.
Arthur Christmas introduces lots of unique characters that touch our life in a very new sense. It brings a brighter hope to you and your family.
Hugo is the most exciting movie based on the visual beauty. It brings a kind of magic through its story and cinematography.
The Muppets is directed by James Bobin and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Arthur Christmas movie is directed by Sarah Smith and distributed by Columbia Pictures. These movie create a remarkable opening worldwide for the all-age audiences.
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